• Ben Timberlake (@BenTimberlake_)

    Founder of the podcast aptly labelled HR... Routinely bullied by other co-hosts (in particular Col).

  • Angela Abbott (angieabb100)

    A rose between FOUR thorns. Ange brings the feminine touch to the podcast or in other words brings the lads back down to earth. Not to mention she’s an ambassador for the BWFC Her Game Too… is there anything this woman can’t do!?

  • Colin Yates (@ColBwfc)

    Col is our nominated headline sponsor kisser (for obvious reasons). Often seen with a beer in hand, Col joined us in January 2023, and safe to say he’s never looked back.

  • Chris Dawson (@chrisdaws72)

    Co-founder of the podcast and contrary to popular belief the 72 in Chris’ Twitter handle isn’t actually how old he is! Our 6ft4 target man is back with us once again and we couldn’t be happier to have him on board.

  • Callum Foy (WanderingRed7)

    Your statistical genius and content creator here is Callum. An adopted Wanderers fan has been taken in. Take a look at our blog section and read some of his work.

  • Ben McQuade @benmcquade_

    The latest addition to the team! Ben has a BA Hons in Football Journalism and is a football writer. Catch him on occasional episodes of The Fanzone Pod!